Ultradian Sprints - Manage your Energy, not your time

Ultradian sprints focuses on productivity or intense work lasting for shorter durations, usually less than a few hours. The term "ultradian" relates to biological rhythms and cycles that occur more frequently than the typical circadian rhythm, which follows a 24-hour cycle.

According to research, you can work hard and on your limit for 90-120 minutes. Afterwards, 20–30 minute you take break get the renewal to achieve high performance for your next task again.

In the context of performance and focus, the most important ultradian rhythm is the 90-minute cycle.

  • Work on your most important task for between 60-90 minutes. Take your cues from your body. When you find your concentration and energy beginning to falter, it’s a good sign that you’re entering to hit a low point in an ultradian rhythm.
  • Break up those 60-90 minute periods using 30 minute Pomodoro sessions (25 minutes of focus, 5 minutes of rest).
  • Take a full stop after 60-90 minutes. This break can last from anywhere between 20-30 minutes and could include taking a walk, meditating, a short nap, conversations with a friend, etc. Your goal is to let your brain turn off.

Obviously, it’s not possible for every employee to work in multiple uninterrupted 90-minute sprints, given the range of demands they face. It is possible for you as a leader and managers to make a shift in the way you manage your energy, and to better model this new way of working yourself. Make it a high priority to find at least one time a day — preferably in the morning — to focus single-mindedly on your most challenging and important task for 60 to 90 minutes. These rhythms exist in all of us, and we can leverage them to engage in focused bouts of deep work.